Have you ever noticed that, the world really never changes? If you think about the first couple of thousands of years, before Jesus supposedly “walked the earth,” the needle to our consciousness hadn’t moved all that much — from our days of prior barbarism. In fact, the Rome that Jesus existed in, knew few who were more barbaric in behavior, than were the Romans: the people who used chards of glass and stone, affixed to a club, to pierce the flesh of divergents; and we went right up to the 14-18th century, seeing some of the most deviant contraptions ever created and or used by a “civilized society.”
Today, with continued wars, and rumors of wars, we’re witnessing men, women, and mainly children, mass murdered in the name of the same God, who used like mannered tactics to control people whom he deemed unworthy to live. That would have been the whole entire world, killed in a flood, and the many cultures following, whom experienced genocide, according to the church, as “God’s will,” whom God would later, “love so much that, he gave his “only begotten son” for,” an archetype he could have created Adam by, if we’re to believe the story — but didn’t.
Why so much confusion, about what it means to simply be alive? especially when a “God” is supposedly at the helm? The world is at a 50% divorce rate; the church just 10% less than that. Mental illness is rampant, with the the church, experiencing 40%: those sadly deemed “demon possessed,” shamed as being in need of “deliverance.” But doesn’t Jesus save? wholly? How then can a house be divided? when only ONE can stand?” said Jesus himself.
Something is definitely amiss. And if Jesus is “truth?” why then isn’t the world benefiting from it? How can one claim that “Jesus overcame the world,” having brutally been beaten, hung on a cross, where a spear was then callously inserted in his side, all of what “pleased God” to do, yet, what he died for, even Christians can’t seem to get right?
Is “God” that much of an abject failure?
Well, yes and no.
Ancients simply, understood differently, what we’re trying to comprehend now, but with far more understanding than we’re now being given, regarding the DIVINE. Image in our time, is what you look at in a mirror, in theirs, however, it regarded “how one rules by divine council and counsel.” Those who were fortunate enough to read text then (most of the world being illiterate,) comprehended that, the aether held divine power. The Ethiopians even asserted that, the cross was this eminence, and that burnt people were made of the same essence, aiming them at ruling and reigning, as its mastery commanded. Colonialism soon destroyed all of this. But it doesn’t take away the fact that, prior civilizations mastered rule by measurement of dynasties. What then, interrupted all of this, especially regarding “burnt people,” who are now, subject to the fiercest of colonial rule and governance? to a point of total reliance and exploitation?
In 1969, Blacks nearly shut down Ebony magazine, its very own publication, for reason that, it published a Black Jesus on its cover. So filled with rage, the Black community sent in White pictures to replace it with, and threatened to cancel its subscriptions, actions aimed at moving the company toward bankruptcy. Ebony did survive the incident; but what it proved ultimately, is how very powerful the programming of Jesus is, EXACTLY as it has been delivered. And herein, is the flaw, and reason why our society NEVER seems to benefit. Because the Jesus that’s been offered, isn’t the Jesus whom Jesus truly is — only a fabricated version that ensures castration, eunuchs, the infertile, and the in-firmed. But certainly not, the informed.
“The Bride of Christ,” simply, isn’t the “church.” It’s how we get to Matthew 7:23’s “depart from me; I never knew you.” Church literally comes from the word CIRCE, an ancient Greek enchantress who placed spells upon her victims, relegating them to animalistic energies. And this is important to understand, when it comes to realizing the power spoken of in I Corinthians 4:20. Why? because these folklores, and beliefs, are everything that is now present in the paganism we call the modern church, albeit, where un-enlightened people are now, unable to grasp its higher meanings, the mysteries of which, are carefully preserved by THE VATICAN — overseer of Rome’s influential ruler ship of antiquity, now carefully maintained by false doctrines and theologies. And if you don’t have the original understanding, so goes its power.
We have simply, entered a time of lost metaphor, abandoned allegory, symbology, and parabolic meanings, trading it all for foolish literalism, the former, being the language of the DIVINE, “as in: “a certain sower went out to sow,” or, “There was a man who had two sons. And the younger of them said to his father, ‘Father, give me the share of property that is coming to me.’ And he divided his property between (them,”) ALL riddled to explain Galatians 4:1.
When you lose meaning, especially of “them,” you then are far from understanding “our father, who art in the heavens, hollowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come; thy will be done, on earth, as it is in the heavens,” which is directly linked to heavens and earth and earth and heavens language of Genesis 1 and 2. And you most certainly won’t receive Isaiah 45:7, which states:
Isaiah 45:7
King James Version
7 I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the Lord do all these things.
You simply won’t understand any of it. And in its very lost message of today, so do WE continue to remain the same, until we once again, understand all of what was understood, exactly as it was to INNERSTAND!