There is no “better” in “life” to achieve. It’s an illusion of the MIND — as is the notion of a “higher self.” Anything that is, has always been, and can NEVER (NOT) be — and is ALL AT ONCE. Therefore, to “pursue” anything — automatically defaults to duality: where energies attached to THIS aspect of “existence,” will render as to what that particular reality gives birth to. In essence, your pursuance calculates as a “need” or “desire” to wit: you are now acting and behaving within deficit vibration, which tunes into a frequency of lack, where cycles of “not having” creates sorrow, eagerness, wanting, anxiety, pain and suffering. 


Because you have literally informed energies to focus on what (YOU) consider “good” or “bad,” i.e., what you don’t want is bad, and what you prefer is “better.” Yet, there is no divine language that uses such vocabulary.

Even the Bible acknowledges this fact:

Isaiah 45:7
“I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things.”

In this understanding, there is no possible way to determine anything within your reality, as “doing better,” for reason that, there is always something occurring in the world, that can be deemed “unacceptable.”

But by whose judgement?

I once shared a video, explaining ‘How Blvck People Saved Cadillac:’ a company fated to go “out of business,” simply by switching from their “all White clientele to include Blvcks, who during the Depression, had lost everything. Yet, because Blvcks weren’t allowed to put their money in banks, their money was safe, now cash rich enough to support the purchases of Cadillac cars, giving it a 71% increase in profits. What would have formerly been considered “bad” (by not being able to have bank accounts,) actually reversed predicament — to provide a very different outcome.

Was it “better?” No. It simply existed as a possibility and became what could happen by a probability that was present, AT THE SAME TIME Cadillac was slated to “close its doors, and while Blvcks were being discriminated against — BOTH REALITIES being viable, one NOT being “better” than the other.

Simply learn to live within your moments, regardless of what they are. And as Solomon states in Ecclesiastes: “there is a time for everything,” which means, ALL cycles both end, begin, end and begin again.

What does this mean for “goals,” “aims,” things you “want?” Well, it’s easier than you think. If you’ve imagined it — it’s on the way. That is, you are ALREADY on the frequency it exists within, or else, you couldn’t have thought it. It would have simply passed your awareness, like the music channels you don’t listen to. You have no idea what’s playing on THOSE stations. But you do on the one you’re tuned into. And you’re listening, enjoying the music. It’s exactly the same with the things that come into your life.

Tune in to what tunes into you.
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