"Business as usual” is over, as old paradigms must now shift to what truly benefits, and uplifts, our humanity: where we steer far away from bottom line mentality,” where people mindlessly connect to retail — through misled energy of promotions, based on a very predictable psychology — driven by the deceptive vehicle of corporate greed, that use sales, ads, cyclical engagement — little ever used to aid community to a point of true sustainability.

Something For The People (TM) introduces a far more valiant effort, to actively, and sustainably, foster what we refer to as ‘divine economics:’ what serves people in a more meaningfully and prosperous manner, divinely inspired, cooperative solutions, in accordance with the kingdom above, and not below. We simply hold no value to anything in the physical realm of matter, that is disconnected from above. Because it can never truly prosper.

Driven by excellence, we thus present, HARMONY IS BEAUTIFUL (TM): a unique way, in which, to reward like minded businesses that foster an impactful social presence, within spaces where many, within our society, are not always fully represented, offering a 15% discount on a minimum spending requirement of $100.00, with the promise that, you’ll take that savings to purchase from other businesses that meet expectation of impeccable character, integrity, and charity of heart: those who show good will toward others, animals, and especially—our planet.

We’re essentially sowing into you, to then sow into your neighbor, our friends, toward a communal effort to build the world we’re truly meant to have.

Simply keep track of what you’re saving at checkout, each time you buy from us; and when you’re ready, identify another business or social organization that meets the criterion of being a social enterprise company/organization, and make your purchase or donation, using the money you’ve saved from SFTP.

It’s that simple. 

For we are essentially, a society of diverse understanding and reasoning, and must finally take control of the “tide that rises ALL boats.” Thus, Harmony Is Beautiful’ TM),’ is strictly an honor system that requires your integrity to make it work. We merely want you to be active in helping to improve community culture — and believe this to be an excellent way of doing so.

So enjoy code: HARMONY15 (copy and paste) for as long as you shop with us.

And don’t worry, it never expires.