We will update you with a tracking number through email approximately 2-3 days after you place your order.

We source our products globally to allow us to find the best variety of products, at Competitive prices. Products with high demand will take 1-2 weeks for fulfillment and delivery.

We have multiple manufacturing sites, some of which only focus on creating specific items. Due to this, it is possible that you may receive an item separately from the rest of your ordered products. Please rest assured if all items from your order do not arrive at once, the rest of your order is on its way!

Yes! We ship worldwide.

Have a frequently asked question we didn’t cover? You can send us a chat, or contact us by email:

Please know that we reply to all emails with 2-3 business days. We do not however, respond to solicitations. 






YOU ARE a massively complex being, with a vast array of emotions, feelings, energetic distortions, triumphs, fears, thoughts, loss, gains, and or mental persuasions. SOMETHING FOR THE PEOPLE (TM) is then, strictly about YOU, to ensure that YOU ARE the catalyst to how we curate beyond the brand normative. And so, we’ve created 7 brands: ALL with a mission toward capturing the magical expression that is YOU: in the world, among your peers, by yourself, but most importantly, within the upper and above realms of spiritual reasoning, awareness, and consciousness. 

We premise that, that, the heavens and earth are a combined reality of light and dark, a prospective, and transformative Genesis, working together to create a cosmic order, that when departed from, creates a fractured state of mind and reasoning called the knowledge of good and evil,” what gives birth to “morality” and “rule of law:” humankind’s failed attempt to self govern apart from divine energy.

Our intent is only to assist you in reaching a more definitive greatness, achieved from within — where a true self resides, based on our motto: ‘The Kingdom of God Is Not A Matter of Talk, But Of Power,’ which is a call to action, responsibility, and accountability — to live fulfilled lives based on spiritual character, integrity, and soundness of mind, towards THE HIGHEST ORDER OF A SUPREME DEITY that imbues and imbibes us with a superior strength and courage — ALL toward transcending our greatest life challenges. 

We exist as a metaphor, driven by parabolic understanding: what images as a harvest of our exponential growth, remedied and prospered from an intuitive reasoning called THE LOGOS or CHRIST FORM: what intercourses from the starting point of our being, as in “you must be born from above,” to what assures a singularly and UNITED offspring in the physical realm — fueled by a DIVINE EXPRESSION or SPIRIT:

Something For The People (TM)—Aether
Metaphor & Allegory (TM)—Air
The Social Poets (TM)—Water
Principle Power And Peace (TM)Fire
SILO13 (TM)—Earth
Not Beyond Repair (TM)— (Life)
The Highest Calling (TM)—((DIVINE POWER))



We are a philanthropic organization first and foremost, and pour 30% of our profits into our community profile referred to as: THE ROOT BENEATH (TM) - A Human Experience Projekt; using fashion and messaging to resolve the conflicts of human inner turmoil, so that communities can engage in cooperative solutions that bind productive effort over disrepair, disunity, disruption, and to what gives birth to a divine character that acts as a basis for culturing a collective reasoning, that we might treat the planet, animals, each other, and all living species we are in partnership with, with an essential understanding of an empowered self, what ultimately increases important social development that achieves useful and effective citizenry of our humanity?

THE ROOT BENEATH (TM) — ‘A Human Experience Projekt’ is where we invest in art programs, STEM participation among those with disparaged backgrounds, businesses and organizations that promote change, and all else that entrepreneurial philanthropy can help to remedy within marginalized communities.

We ask that YOU now join us in that effort.

This is ENTIRELY why WE exists.


Approximately 92 million tons of textile waste is discarded every year, which is why each of our brands are absolutely committed to providing the best quality of sustainable wear, governed by a personal, and highly effective, eco-ideology we refer to as R-EC3to effectively combat waste that creates landfill overpopulation, and to eliminate various other disturbing behaviors fashion is sadly known for. 

Driven by responsible and accountable preduction, mixed with meaningful and thought provoking designs, our collections are undoubtedly something you’ll be proud to own — guaranteed! all backed by a policy of meeting your complete satisfaction.

SO WELCOME to Something For The People (TM,) “the TREMENDOUS of something absolutely wonderful!” Because YOU are!

The Divine Principles of Säen


The Divine Principles of Säen

Something For The People (TM) is creatively, and divinely, inspired by Six Pillars of Personal Culture we call Säen, which means to sow what constantly improves self, others, community, and all social environments where one can aspire to thrive within.

We premise that these principles inspire power and peace, that when practiced, one will experience true divinity: what is imbibed by an authentic CHRIST CHARACTER not presently found within the world through religion, the church, or its many facets of misguided, redacted, and convoluted teachings. Yet, we do not present these principles to establish a following of any kind. But rather, put them forth as an aid in helping others to obtain original and divine representation that furthers one’s expected outcome of ABOVE REASONING and SPIRITUAL CITIZENRY, existing within THE MOST HIGHEST REALM of thought, actions, behavior, and heart resonance. 


Pillar 1
 — The Pillar of Divine Wisdom: I learn everyday to be guided by an Inner Self: what emanates from a MOST HIGH SPIRITUAL BEING, Creator, and CHRIST Power, to progress more confidently in the world, through a higher state of consciousness, than what can be found in a physical domain of fleshly desires. 

Pillar 2 — The Pillar of Divine Illumination: I will constantly be aware of my actions, behavior, and how they affect myself, others, and community.

Pillar 3 The Pillar of Divine Unique Expression: I will know, understand, and use my inner spiritual voice, to be the type of different that makes all the difference, to more innately bring change to the world as no one else can, through my unique gifts and expressions. 

Pillar 4 — The Pillar of Divine Purpose: I will engage with others more intuitively and fruitfully, from an inner state of well-being, based on natural coherence, in order to give birth to greater possibilities in the world. 

Pillar 5 — The Pillar of Divine Momentum: I will not regress into former patterns of behavior that cause chaotic reasoning, and or practices, but rather, commit to being divinely inspired in all of what I do.

Pillar 6 — The Pillar of Divine Social Impact: I will maintain a social responsibility where I constantly engage in practices that benefit all of creation, with respect, kindness, decency, cooperation, and renaissance.