The lie of “separating” yourself from people who “no longer serve you” is just that, a deception: spread by misinformed individuals who either regurgitate the misinformation circulating the internet, or simply, by those who believe something that has never been true. Either way, distancing yourself from these erroneous teachings is what’s needed to finally move you forward.
“We are all actors on the stage of life, playing our parts, some more convincing than others,” is a famous quote of Shakespeare, who by it, wanted the world to understand that, no one is truly your enemy, what Jesus too, said regarding how we are to look at what is to be understood as energy exchange: what occurs among our energetic bodies as fluid motion living, where our energies aren’t wasted, minimized, and or diminished to a point where we become de-energized, falling into dark world chaos, what is attributed to a lost of light.
When you desire something in life, or when you are becoming what’s different to what you are now, it is to align with transaction of being an heir of the divine, in accordance with Galatians 4:1:
4 What I am saying is that as long as an heir is underage, he is no different from a slave,{although he owns the whole estate.} 2 The heir is subject to guardians and trustees until the time set by his father. 3 So also, when we were underage, we were {in slavery under the <<elemental spiritual forces>>of the world.} 4 But when the {set tim} had fully come, God sent his Son, born of a woman, born under the law, 5 to redeem those under the law, {that we might receive adoption to sonship.}6 Because you are his sons, {God sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts,} the Spirit who calls out, “Abba,Father.” 7 So {you are no longer a slave,} <<but God’s child;>> and since you are his child, {God has made you also an heir.}
When people therefore, speak of “separation,” it is a telling sign of their ignorance. It is the misunderstanding of how energy moves energy, as in what is to occur by leaving the status of a slave once guided by worldly intelligentsia, to that of an heir who speaks the language of above, as what the Greeks called ANOTHEN: the power and authority to speak: “if you’ve heard my words, you’ve heard the father’s, or “man shall not live by bread alone, but by EVERY word that proceeds from the mouth of God.” You are thus, never to be in contrariness to this, or else you have two houses, divided by ownership, where in THIS relationship, one must fall in order to become one with the divine, per Isaiah 45:7.
If you desire a thing; you must exist first, wholly in your headship, your heir power, empowered to bring forth what is desired — by speaking to the matter that creates it — “speak to the mountain believing, and it shall be cast to wherever you tell it to go.” This is “seek ye first the kingdom of God.” Well, where is the kingdom? It is inside, “for the kingdom of God is within.” And what is within, except the SPIRIT OF THE SON OF GOD WHO MAKES YOU A SON, that by the same, can call out ABBA FATHER, abba being etymologically tied to the son in a filial manner, where the son is made the same, as in one-ship, where no identity of difference can ever exist. And in this headship, the son creates more of what is identically above, by action, deed, behavior and POWER. THIS is what we are to “go ye therefore” and do. And in the filial name of what speaks IT? We can ask and achieve anything.
What then occurs, to keep so many behind IN LIFE? It is in not recognizing where your heirship lies, which is above, boundless, abundant: good measured, pressed down, shaken together and running over. PERIOD.
When you are to move forward, you need not “separate” yourself from anything, as all things under spiritual guidance, is constantly being propelled forward, bringing you into the spaces already prepared for you by the SON who went to prepare your sonship. And so letting go of what is no longer needed, as in what you’ve wrongly attached yourself to, whether they be friendships, relationships, jobs, whatever, you refusing to let go, will cause resistance between it, and what’s now pulling you forwards. THIS is what creates your discomfort, suffering. Because kinetic energy has built up your motion to move toward what you are asking, and resisting it, is counterintuitive to its process. This is why you must first consider what your aim is to build, along with the cost, and then go forward in paying what is required for sacrifice, as in giving birth, what is ultimately released by amniotic fluid, which in its original definition, means “blood sacrifice,” the Holy Spirit of the Genesis parable, “hovering over the face of the deep, the womb of life, protecting what you’re birthing until its due date.
So, learn to let go, not separate. For nothing is so — under the powers that lie above, for all is needed, from the actors playing their parts.